music lots and lotsa music

Sunday, May 30, 2010

let's celebrate pop music

.Okay.. so second post.. I write this to try to break a little the stereotypes and tendencies, not only about this blog in particular, but about the whole music art industry.

"bowie, to me that's pop, and like even the stones, like I just like to listen to it, and it gets stuck in my head, it was really popular, so I don't know when people got all pretentious about the word pop, it just means that you're doing good".- Ke$ha

Okay with the last said, moving on to different connotations about different music styles, people tend to judge other people by what they listen, I've seen the look on people's faces when I say that I like Nirvana and ACDC, I know a lot "deep metallica shit" people that make fun of others cause they like Lady Gaga, and people looking at other people like total freaks cause they don't like her. Attacking pop in particular, I really don't know where the bad background of pop is coming from, it's catchy, it's easy to understand melodically, no complications that tend to aline with certain people's particularities, that makes something popular. Aren't the beatles, nirvana, guns & roses, and Aerosmith popular? I've hear too many times the sweet child o mine intro in preppy parties (they don't even know who guns or roses are). I see tshirts with their prints parading all over the place. I'm really not trying to convince people to like Lady Gaga (since I'm not very fond of her in particular), we all like different music, I'm just referring to the connotations music get (rock, pop, country, indie, emo, is that a kind of music?).
Sometimes people don't have the capacity of not judging, I know I have, and not to take seriously everything, right now I'm specifically talking about Kesha, she talks about superficial stuff in her songs, so sue her. Like every generation there's a point in the iconic youth that provokes people to act stupid and not care about making sense at all, a really great part of the humanity has been there, and since music is a way of expression, it's not odd to hear music about this "nonsense", I mean after all, people identifying with certain music is what makes this business go. Like every other kind of music pop takes a lot of work, creative directors, musicians, business people, marketing people, estheticians, why is it so underrated? why do people who like pop are stupid? and why do people who like rock are socially retarded, and why do people who like metal are suicidal and worship the devil?. music is very subjective, it's like if I like red, why are the people who like blue wrong?. I think this all is linked with the desperate wannabes, people want to fit in so bad in whatever tiny society, they stop liking red and start liking blue cause blue's in.

okay so this generation, musicians have become some sort of mold that people seem to be obliged to follow, yeah each and everyone of them is a role model for us. And I don't disagree with that in all of the senses, cause a lot of us have become homo videns, which means in simple words that we've become stupid enough to do and think what tv tells us to. I don't agree with the fact that music icons get blamed, not only for their own bad life habits, but for the rest of the people's habits too, you know, we all are independent and we have a brain that allows us to think about what we do, we judge their actions without even begin to understand their environment, not to mention the difference circumstances of a rock star life and a regular college student. I really don't think that young teenage people getting smacked drunk is the consequence of kesha talking about herself trying to get a little bit tipsy, but more about the general morals we've acquired all along our cultural trip.

I don't see ACDC getting blamed for talking about having sex all night long with some american thighs, and joan not giving a damn bout her reputation, is it that pop culture is like the real society we live in, the one that gets the attention, and when we dive ourselves in alternative music, we try not to consider ourselves part of this screwed up society?? you tell me.

Chill out people! Life's too short for getting disappointed every time we hear Lady Gaga on the radio, chill out and maybe you'll even find it a little bit fun just for the hell of it. I don't know if someone has told you this but we don't have to be like people we see on tv, build yourself, just cause kurt cobain used drugs, you don't have to get stoned to be cool.


  1. Oh cool ! Yeaaa, I've been so lucky with the whole au pair thing ! I looove it here :) and cali is beautiful !
    Oo, nice post, you mention some really good bands eh !

  2. hey i really enjoy pop music, i like it ,

    i feel music is safe , whether it is pop or rock or classical, only change is sounds of music

    lovely post

    thanks for your lovely comment

  3. Yeah... not too big of a fan of lady gaga myself. People do tend to judge on what music you listen to. I think it does say something about you. Can you stereotype... no that's unfair to do. But I think you can connect with others and use it for positive.

    Listen to what you like and connect with.


  4. Hi Fernanda,
    I just read your comment on a post of mine in May and nope my blog is as a matter of fact still alive and kicking! lol
    I just did a post today, I had a long vacay so that's why my blog has seemed "dead" Feel free to check it out!
